Bad Faith

Allegations of bad faith can expose insurers to substantial extra-contractual risk and damage an insurance company’s longstanding reputation. Deasey, Mahoney & Valentini attorneys have been defending primary and excess insurance carriers in bad faith and extra-contractual matters for nearly two decades. With extensive experience litigating bad faith and insurance coverage claims, our lawyers know and understand the challenging, highly regulated environment in which insurers operate. We remain on the cutting edge of this ever-evolving area of the law and are prepared to defend insurers against allegations of improper claims handling practices, late payments, refusal to settle within policy limits, insured misrepresentations, late notice and all other potential grounds for extra-contractual damages. Our skilled litigators have represented insurers in bad faith claims arising out of a broad range of coverages, including commercial liability, property and casualty, health, life, disability, automobile liability, homeowner’s, excess and reinsurance liability.
Clients of Deasey, Mahoney & Valentini also benefit from our litigators’ collective experience in a variety of other practice areas such as civil rights, construction defect, construction site injury, crane, environmental toxic tort litigation and coverage, excess insurance, insurance coverage, labor and employment law, products liability, governmental liability, class action, appellate, automobile liability, transportation, premises liability, commercial litigation, fire and arson, immigration reform litigation, professional liability and subrogation. Deasey, Mahoney & Valentini attorneys bring their combined experience to bear in shaping effective, cost-efficient solutions for our clients. For each matter we handle we provide personal attention from senior litigators during all phases of representation and deliver exceptional, responsive service at a reasonable cost. In short, we strive to craft and deliver a superior product.